Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Family (plus)

This weekend I was able to have the opportunity to go home. I am so glad because I was able to see my family. All of them. This weekend baby Madison was dedicated to Jesus. Naturally I took photos while I was there. Here are some of her photos. I can't believe she is three months old already.

Madison and mommy

This one doesn't exactly fit into the group but I had a homework assignment to shoot something at a "cat's eye view". I decided to shoot the family dog Luci. This photo makes me laugh. She is such a weird dog.
After church we all went to a park and took some family photos. This is Madison with her mommy and daddy. I apologize for not having pictures of anyone else on here but we shot with multiple camera. unfortunately pictures of everyone or even anyone else were not taken with my camera.
Madi was so tired. It was a long day her for her. Isn't she beautiful.
This is the two cousins. Ethan and Madison are getting along great. We all love them so much. They are amazing kids.
Ethan was so adorable hiding behind his mommy.
Ethan and his mommy going down the slide. They are so adorable.
Of course I also had to get a little artistic while the camera was out. Here is Ethan playing around in Grandpa's Chuck Taylors.

1 comment:

  1. We gotta get the photos off dad's camera. The group shots were taken on his.
    Love the one of Luci by the way. It made me laugh out loud.
    Had a great weekend. Sounds like things are going well this term. Happy for you. Love you.
