Monday, June 8, 2009

Class Project

This is my class project that is due tomorrow. My teacher hasn't even graded it. If your volume is down when watching it turn it up!! I hope you like it. I also hope it works to where people can view it. Please keep in mind that the pictures are better quality when they are viewed properly. Blogspot does not do them justice. Also, the assignment was to tell a story. Any type of story. Enjoy! 


  1. and you worried
    love ya Dad

  2. DELIGHTFUL! Glad to see you are having fun at school....Donna

  3. omg lol how cute! Good job baby sam!

  4. So how did it go? Did the Prof like it?

  5. yeah he loved it. All of them were amazing. We have some pretty talented people this session. mine was the only one of its kind :) I don't know if you guys noticed by the bottles are filling as the story progresses. That is the idea that when you find "the one" that you are complete, like a puzzle piece. my professor really liked that attention to detail. I got an A!!
